July 18, 2023

Social Media, Healthy Use & Well-Being – A Curated Set of Reading Resources

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Mental health & cyber wellness has become one of the top issues facing young people today. Trends point toward youths who are more stressed out, anxious and display greater signs of depression. The unhealthy use of digital devices and social media is seen to be one of the key predictors, causing lesser sleep, fear of missing out, social comparison, negative self-esteem and online aggression.

We have curated a set of reading resources that helps explains how the fundamental business models of social media (such as targeted advertising & the attention economy) drive the design of social media features & usage patterns that compromise mental health. Read on to learn how to evaluate youths for addictive use of technology, identify depressive symptoms, and more importantly engage youths and manage use of social media practically.

Description of Reading Title of Reading Link
Brief Overview of Social Media Usage in Singapore The Complete Guide to Social Media Statistics in Singapore https://www.adobomagazine.com/insight/insight-the-complete-guide-to-social-media-statistics-in-singapore/
Benefits & Harms of Social Media Usage for Children The Impact of Social Media on Children, Adolescents, and Families https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article-pdf/127/4/800/1056143/zpe00411000800.pdf
Addictive Nature of Social Media The Pursuit of "Likes" https://youtu.be/GIb-TU2ZlkI
What Students are Posting Online Students Posting Their Teachers on Social Media: What is Wrong? https://smiletutor.sg/students-posting-their-teachers-on-social-media-what-is-wrong/
The Dangers of Targeted Advertising for Children Advertisers Targeting Children Online https://theaseanpost.com/article/advertisers-targeting-children-online-0


We conduct regular professional development and cyber wellness programmes in schools, contact us to find out more today.